What is Singleton pattern?
Singleton pattern is a strategy for ensuring that one and only one instance of an object will be created.In other words a singleton pattern is a design pattern that is used to restrict instantiation of a class to one object.
Implementation of a singleton pattern requires a mechanism to access the singleton class member without creating a class object and a mechanism to persist the value of class members among class objects.
1. The first step is to ensure that every constructor in the class implementing the Singleton pattern is non-public. All constructors must be protected or private.
2. Implement a public/shared method-that creates just one instance of the class.
Public NotInheritable Class cSingltonPrivate Shared _CreateInstance As cSinglton = Nothing
Private Sub New()
Sub Public Shared ReadOnly Property CreateInstance() As cSinglton
If (_CreateInstance Is Nothing) Then
_CreateInstance = New cSinglton()
End If
Return _CreateInstance
End Get
End Property
End Class
The private shared property _CreateInstance is used to store the reference to the instance of the Singleton class. Consumer will never able to create a direct instance of the class using "New" keyword because the constructor-Sub New-is defined as private.
Consume should always read the shared property CreateInstance in order to create a new instance of the class which indeed ensures that only one instance of this class will be returned.Dim clsSinglton As cSinglton
clsSinglton = cSinglton.CreateInstance
Following error message will be display in the event of "Dim clsSinglton As new cSinglton" declaration.
Error: cSinglton.Private Sub New() is not accessible in this context because it is 'Private'.
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